The Adobie Environmental Group is about finding out what is working and not working in preserving our planet. At this moment the group is you and me, and I am in no way an expert in the sustainability of our environment. I am interested in what more we can do to keep our land, air and water clean and how we can clean what is not.
In my travels I will pay attention to how others are taking care of their communities. This photo is from Portugal and I was impressed how most every street has these public waste bins that are separated based on type of waste. In Canada and USA we only have one bin in public places and we throw anything and everything in them, no sorting. We only sort in our homes.
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I have been involved with Rotary since 1999 and ever since Rotary International added a committee called Preserve Planet Earth, I have focused some of my project work on the environment.
To provide environmental resources, share green travel experiences, support local economies who are wise to sustainability and to build on change.
I appreciate the world we live in for what we were given and how it was given to us to use in our lifetime. I value how fortunate I am to be able to drink clean water, breathe clean air and live in a city that tries to lessen its waste.
Having initiative to go green wherever possible is something I feel we should all make a priority. There are so many companies and non profit organizations putting the energy into green initiatives.
Learn MoreFind green products for your home and business. I love trying new green products that we all need to use day to day and here are some I have tried and their attributes.
I am not sure that we can call technology green since high technology products may be made by using non-green processes. Let’s find out.
Learn about our environmental impact on our local communities. More communities added regularly. Come back often.
Portugal Recycling Ideas Environmental Information Kamloops Osoyoos
…the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
…the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
These include pollution, overpopulation, waste disposal, climate change, global warming, the greenhouse effect, etc.
Water covers approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface, where approximately 97.2% of it is saline, only 2.8% fresh. Potable water is available in almost all populated areas of the Earth, although it may be expensive and the supply may not always be sustainable. Source: Wikipedia
The number of trees in the world, according to a 2015 estimate, is 3.04 trillion, of which 1.39 trillion (46%) are in the tropics or sub-tropics, 0.61 trillion (20%) in the temperate zones, and 0.74 trillion (24%) in the coniferous boreal forests. Source: Wikipedia
Air is the most important element of human environment. Man cannot live a single moment without air.